Yuri kof 13
Yuri kof 13

yuri kof 13

Sirlin focuses on Super Turbo to cover elementary basics of fighting games, but he also demonstrates the geometric warfare of hitboxes and advanced concepts such as 「pressing the advantage」.Counterhits can only occur under special conditions in KOF, and they can lead into combos or heavier damage at minimum.Though many of the applications of whiff canceling aren't as useful in KOFXIII, the basic premise of whiffing normals into specials can have huge implications for characters that can stick out a buff poke such as a sweep, and then follow up with a generally safe special that may even control a different portion of the screen.The King of Details #4: Whiff Canceling.This guide covers basic strategies and guidelines, such as canceling into specials or command normal to lessen a player's negative advantage during blockstrings.The third installment covers techniques for making execution easier, such as holding down a button to make performing specials and DMs much easier.The King of Details #3: Buffering Tricks.Part two of Phoenix guide walks through throw invuln, alternate guarding, and teching.

#Yuri kof 13 how to#

Part of Phoenix's detail-heavy articles, the first discusses how to properly apply a defensive fuzzy guard technique to help against high/low/throw mixups from hops.Another guide for fighting Andy and punishing his attacks and abusing his weaknesses.A guide for dealing with King's zoning and special game.Helps players fight against Benimaru, while also providing Benimaru players with info on what not to do.Lists out the criteria a player should look into while learning a new character.Explains how newer players should pick their initial team, stop worrying, and keep playing.Explains how close range offense works in KOF and includes a video tutorial.Compares strengths and weaknesses of Kyo and NESTS Kyo.

Yuri kof 13